wh0's there??

Saturday, May 7, 2011


yeah aq kembali single..

nk twu sgt ape gase kapel ??

so aq da gase dlm 3 minggu...

ape ek gasenye bese jew kot

cume sjak kapel xde ag owg kaco2 aq n xberany usha2 aq trutame kt fb

tgok jew kt status in relationship so xde spe berani nk kaco

mase kapel aq cm bese jew tak ade pangilan "manje" semue bese cm kwn2 pangil name n owg jew..

aq kn xtwu mghargai owg..n ble stat nk siyez aq da gabra huhuhu myb aq lom jumpe yg btol2 spesel kot..

aq ni cerewet btol ar nk tunggu the real prince kot dtg melamar aq cm Prince William melamar Princess


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  1. laaaaa . iyeee kew? sedihh dgr citerr kaw .
    kaw nehh kan ? sme jekk mcm aq aw. ;)
    saba ehh .
